black_13 4 hours ago

This is OUTRAGEOUS! If China treated Uyghurs this way, we'd be howling about human rights abuses and demanding UN intervention! Windowless cells, denial of legal counsel, forced isolation, strip searches, suicide attempts - we'd call it exactly what it is: TORTURE. But when it happens on American soil? Suddenly the outrage disappears. The hypocrisy is absolutely SICKENING. How DARE we lecture other countries while locking migrants in cages until they're driven to swallow screws just to escape their misery? This isn't just wrong - it's a betrayal of everything America claims to stand for!

  • infamouscow 2 hours ago

    First, these are not citizens. Legally, they're classified as foreign invaders under international law. Doing this in most other countries on Earth will end with your head on a pike. By international standards the US is being extremely benevolent here.

    • superior3 2 hours ago

      The same as you are: lesser human.