Show HN: ENT Stack – Full-Stack TypeScript Starter

3 points by ironex 10 hours ago

Hey HN,

I wanted a simple and batteries-included way to start my full-stack TypeScript projects so I built ENT Stack - a monorepo with Express, Next.js and tRPC.

It covers the basics - code sharing (between backend and frontend), auth, DB, validation, state management, i18n, logging, mailing, testing, CI/CD and infra.

Its focus is to be minimal, flexible, and scalable. It uses proven libraries (Drizzle, Playwright, TanStack Query, Tailwind, Zod, Zustand ...) with custom authentication, authorization and i18n solutions that are easy to modify or replace.

The project also contains an NPM package, so new projects can be created with one command:

- pnpm create ent-stack@latest